Vonios kambario baldai

Availability: In Stock

1 Kabliuko pakaba



BASE 2o0 Klijuojama, nerūdijančio plieno pakaba su 1 kabliuku


Išmatavimai: 4.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm
Apkrova: iki 2 kg




The BESLAG DESIGN range consists of furniture fittings and interior details that will aesthetically and functionally complement any space. All accessories in the BASE range are made of robust, stainless steel. They can be easily stuck in place with the double-sided adhesive tape without drilling or tools on smooth surfaces* – such as tiles, lacquered or veneered panels, etc.

*It is not advisable to attach them to uneven/rough surfaces, where the adhesive tape does not fully adhere, or to surfaces that may slip. For example, wallpaper in wet rooms.
You're viewing: 1 Kabliuko pakaba 7,00 
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